Prison. Constitutional mutation. Written order.Abstract
The present work addresses the constitutional requirement of a written and reasoned decision of the competent judicial authority, for the execution of the arrest of any person, except for arrest in flagrante delicto and cases of military transgression or military crime, defined by law. An analysis of the meaning and reasons for the constitutional requirement of a written decision is made and the jurisprudential treatment that is lent to it continues, especially in the face of technological advances and the advent of the electronic process. The occurrence of constitutional mutation is evaluated in terms of the required written form, followed by an analysis regarding the treatment of oral decisions rendered at a hearing in the tradition of Brazilian law. Conclusions are presented regarding the dispensability of the written form when registered and accessible to the decision in electronic form, in the face of the digital age, its advantages and qualitative service of the constitutional guarantee. The scientific method adopted is the hypothetical-deductive one, based on a bibliographical and documentary research, mainly qualitative jurisprudence, guided by the post-positivist paradigm and with an evaluative and emancipatory approach.
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